ForsideMenneskers sundhedFarlige fødevarerHepatitis E smitter 100 -200.000 gennem svinekød. (Engelsk).

Hepatitis E smitter 100 -200.000 gennem svinekød. (Engelsk).


The guardian skriver om Hepatitissmitte fra udenlandske svineprodukter i England. Denne form for Hepatitis er også fundet i Danmark. Sygdommen er dog kun farlig i sjældne tilfælde. The Guardian skriver bl.a. Arkivbillede.

Press Association
Sunday 20 August 2017 23.41 BST Last modified on Monday 21 August 2017 00.30 BST

Pork products sold at a leading supermarket may have infected British shoppers with a virus that can cause liver failure and death, it has emerged.

Researchers at Public Health England (PHE) probed the shopping habits of those infected with hepatitis E and found the consumption of ham and sausages from one store, identified only as “supermarket X”, was a recurring feature.