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Alle landmænd får ny miljø og klimastøtte

Er der tale om en slags greenwashing af både støtten og landbruget i EU?


Ca. 25% af den samlede EU landbrugsstøtte (DKK 1.831.479.820) har fået nyt format. Det udbetales til alle støtteberettigede landmænd i Danmark, nemlig 42.134 landbrug. Det er uklart hvor meget klimaet og miljøet gavnes af, at støtten nyformuleres.


De 16 største modtagere af støtte til landbrug, der gavner miljø og klima

CVR/SE nr.NavnKommuneMeasureSum(DKK)
25952642Kjargaarden I/SIkast-Brande KommunePayment for agricultural practices beneficial for climate and the environment - Title III, chapter 32.225.726
33832605Bregentved I/SFaxe KommunePayment for agricultural practices beneficial for climate and the environment - Title III, chapter 32.190.635
30205596Aage V. Jensen NaturfondKøbenhavns KommunePayment for agricultural practices beneficial for climate and the environment - Title III, chapter 31.626.630
38097512Gram og Nybøl Godser A/SHaderslev KommunePayment for agricultural practices beneficial for climate and the environment - Title III, chapter 31.498.031
29597871Svenstrup & Giesegaard Landbrug ISRingsted KommunePayment for agricultural practices beneficial for climate and the environment - Title III, chapter 31.396.355
28247257I/S ThingstrupHolstebro KommunePayment for agricultural practices beneficial for climate and the environment - Title III, chapter 31.377.737
88788613Godsejer Peter Oxholm TillichVordingborg KommunePayment for agricultural practices beneficial for climate and the environment - Title III, chapter 31.257.907
29399476Gindeskovgård ApsHerning KommunePayment for agricultural practices beneficial for climate and the environment - Title III, chapter 31.200.366
29865531Guldborgsund Agro I/SGuldborgsund KommunePayment for agricultural practices beneficial for climate and the environment - Title III, chapter 31.129.357
29657823Agrifos I/SLolland KommunePayment for agricultural practices beneficial for climate and the environment - Title III, chapter 31.129.094
28620012Driftsfællesskabet Stougaard I/SAssens KommunePayment for agricultural practices beneficial for climate and the environment - Title III, chapter 31.111.847
31117291Fionia Agro ISNordfyns KommunePayment for agricultural practices beneficial for climate and the environment - Title III, chapter 31.099.900
31194970Lars Kristian NielsenEsbjerg KommunePayment for agricultural practices beneficial for climate and the environment - Title III, chapter 31.058.308
25615085Krenkerup GodsGuldborgsund KommunePayment for agricultural practices beneficial for climate and the environment - Title III, chapter 31.006.367
15554940Hverringe AvlsgaardKerteminde KommunePayment for agricultural practices beneficial for climate and the environment - Title III, chapter 3995.901