Stop Glyphosat!


Er du klart over, at du har et muligt kræftfremkaldende stof i kroppen? Stoffet glyfosfat er konstateret i hver anden persons urin, ja i Tysklad er det tre ud af fire, som har ukrudstmidlet glyfosfat i deres urin.

Det skyldes efter alt at dømme, at fødevarer og dyrefoder sprøjtes med Round Up. Producenten, Monsantos, forsikringer om, at stoffet “binder sig meget stærkt til jordpartiklerne” eller at det “nedbrydes fuldstændigt” har vist sig at være forkerte.

Men Monsato forsvarer sin guldgrube med betalt forskning, hvilket dog ikke kan ændre på, at WHO fastholder, at der er en kræftrisiko ved at sprede Round Up på stort set alle marker i det intensive landbrug.

Skriv under for at stoppe en godkendelse af Round Up i endnu femten år i EU. Underskrifterne overgives til EU-parlamentets relevante udvalg allerede i morgen, onsdag den 13. april.

Klik her Stop Glyphosate

Engelsk opråb:

Did you know a poisonous, potentially cancer-inducing chemical could be present in your body? Scientists have found traces of it in almost every other person’s urine. This is because our food is likely being sprayed with it.

This Monday the EU plans to decide whether to extend the use of this toxic chemical for another fifteen years. Big producers of weed killer like Monsanto are lobbying to protect their profits. Their deep pockets have been paying for “studies” and “expert” opinions to show that their product is safe.

But we know that cancer-inducing poison should not be sprayed in our neighbourhoods. Farmers who produce our fruits and vegetables should not be using this toxic chemical.

Across Europe 159,873 people have already taken action against renewing approval of this chemical. This Monday in Brussels, we are going to be handing over these signatures to the Standing Committee responsible for this decision. If more of us don’t speak out now – we could be stuck with this chemical for the next fifteen years.

Take action: sign the petition against Monsanto’s cancer-inducing poison.

Kilde: Stop Glyphosate