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Pat Gardiner

Bloggeren Pat Gardiner sender mange af de samme meddelelser ud på engelsk som bringer på dansk. Vi takker for interessen og anbefaler sitet, der den 13 oktober bl.a. skrev:

Monday, 13 October 2014, Denmark –

Pig MRSA – Testing for Pregnant Women in contact with pigs and pig people

The risks associated with porcine MRSA to both mother and child in pregnancy are well known, at least in Denmark.

You won’t get this in Britain. According to Britain’s veterinary establishment, British pigs with the exception of Northern Ireland do not have MRSA. There, therefore, is no need for women in contact with pigs, pig workers or pig veterinarians to be questioned or tested.We give just some extracts from a form from Odense University Hospital. You can reach the whole in mechanical translation here: