ForsideAntibiotika og resistensAmerikansk forskning viser, at Round-Up fremmer resistens og at resistente gener spredes...

Amerikansk forskning viser, at Round-Up fremmer resistens og at resistente gener spredes med vinden. (Engelsk)


Det viser sig i følge websitet, at det meget anvendte herbicid Round Up provokerer bakterier til at blive resistente over for antibiotika. Round Up anvendes ved dyrkning af for eksempel soya, som anvendes som svinefoder i Danmark.

Sitet henviserendvidere til en anden undersøgelse, der viser, at bakterier, antibiotika og resistente bakterier kan findes i øget mængde i luften i læsiden af store kvæggårde. De resistente bakterier fandtes på støvpartikler af indtørret kolort. Sitet skriver bl.a:

The routine use of antibiotics in agriculture is at the very heart of this urgent public health threat. First of all, agriculture accounts for about 80 percent of all antibiotics used in the US, so it’s really a primary source of antibiotic exposure.

Second, it is the continuous use of low dose antibiotics that really allows the bacteria to survive and become increasingly hardy and drug resistant. But while confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs) tend to get blamed the most, other aspects of agriculture contribute to the scourge of antibiotic resistance as well, and in some surprising ways.

In the first study2,3,4 of its kind, researchers found that commonly used herbicides actually promote antibiotic resistance by priming pathogens to more readily become resistant to antibiotics. This includes Roundup, which was shown to increase the antibiotic-resistance of E. coli and Salmonella.

As reported by Rodale News:

“The way Roundup causes this effect is likely by causing the bacteria to turn on a set of genes that are normally off, [study author] Heinemann says. ‘These genes are for ‘pumps’ or ‘porins,’ proteins that pump out toxic compounds or reduce the rate at which they get inside of the bacteria…’

Once these genes are turned on by the herbicide, then the bacteria can also resist antibiotics. If bacteria were to encounter only the antibiotic, they would instead have been killed.

In a sense, the herbicide is ‘immunizing’ the bacteria to the antibiotic…This change occurs at levels commonly used on farm field crops, lawns, gardens, and parks.” [Emphasis mine]

Other herbicides scrutinized in the study include dicamba and 2,4-D, which is particularly relevant in light of the recent approval of a new generation of GE crops resistant not only to glyphosate, but also to dicamba and/or 2,4-D.


As reported by Time Magazine:11

“Researchers gathered airborne particulate matter (PM) from around 10 commercial cattle yards within a 200-mile radius of Lubbock, Texas over a period of six months.

They found the air downwind of the yards contained antibiotics, bacteria, and a ‘significantly greater’ number of microbial communities containing antibiotic-resistant genes…

The genes that have gone airborne are contained in dried fecal matter that has become dust and gets picked up by winds… Co-author Phil Smith told the Texas Tribune that the bacteria could be active for a long time and ‘could be traveling for long distances.’”


via Study Finds Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Are Now Airborne.