ForsideKødets prisIllusionen om "grassfed beef" (engelsk)

Illusionen om "grassfed beef" (engelsk)


“Grassfed” er et markedsstunt i USA, hvor forbrugerne skal tro, at de gavner miljøet ved at vælge bøffer fra dyr, der har levet af græs.

Men det holder ikke. Grassfed er lige som “økologisk” i Danmark er markedsstunt, et fupnummer, der skal levere god samvittighed til kødspiserne, mens de tygger deres møre bøffer og ødelægger jordens klima.

En USA-baseret miljøblog, “The food revolution network” skrev allerede i 2012 bl.a:

There is a dark side even to grassfed beef. It takes a lot of grassland to raise a grassfed steer. Western rangelands are vast, but not nearly vast enough to sustain America’s 100 million head of cattle. There is no way that grassfed beef can begin to feed the current meat appetites of people in the United States, much less play a role in addressing world hunger. Grassfed meat production might be viable in a country like New Zealand with its geographic isolation, unique climate and topography, and exceedingly small human population. But in a world of 7 billion people, I am afraid that grassfed beef is a food that only the wealthy elites will be able to consume in any significant quantities. What would happen if we sought to raise great quantities of grassfed beef? It’s been tried, in Brazil, and the result has been an environmental nightmare of epic proportions. In 2009, Greenpeace released a report titled “Slaughtering the Amazon,” which presented detailed satellite photos showing that Amazon cattle are now the biggest single cause of global deforestation, which is in turn responsible for 20 percent of the world’s greenhouse gases. Even Brazil’s government, whose policies have made the nation the world’s largest beef exporter, and home to the planet’s largest commercial cattle herd, acknowledges that cattle ranching is responsible for 80 percent of Amazonian deforestation. Much of the remaining 20 percent is for land to grow soy, which is not used to make tofu. It is sold to China to feed livestock.

Kilde: The Truth About Grassfed Beef