ForsideAntibiotika og resistensSkrækvision: resistente bakterier vil slå 10 mio. mennesker ihjel i 2050. (Engelsk)

Skrækvision: resistente bakterier vil slå 10 mio. mennesker ihjel i 2050. (Engelsk)


A recent study predicts that by 2050 about 10 million people will die a year as a result of antibiotic-resistant infections.The primary cause? Factory farming.“Since the 1970s, meat producers have been dosing livestock with regular, low doses of antibiotics,” a recent article from Mother Jones reports. “For reasons not entirely understood, this regimen helps animals grow bigger.”Such practices are commonplace worldwide and growing. Global antibiotic consumption is slated to increase 67 percent by 2030. And even now it’s no small problem: eighty percent of the U.S. antibiotic supply is currently going to livestock.

via Antibiotic-Resistant Infections Will Kill 10 Million People Every Year by 2050 –