ForsideAntibiotika og resistensTelegraph: Resistente bakterier kan slå tusinder ihjel (engelsk)

Telegraph: Resistente bakterier kan slå tusinder ihjel (engelsk)


Den engelske avis “The Telegraph” skriver bl.a:

Up to 80,000 people in Britain could die in a single outbreak of an infection due to a new generation of superbugs, according to an official Government forecast.In total, some 200,000 people could be infected if a strain of disease resistant to antibiotics took hold, according to official forecasts which reveal the potential casualty toll for the first time.Within 20 years, outbreaks of common flu could become “serious” for patients as drugs become useless and routine surgery could be curtailed due to the risk of infection, it is warned.Scientists are increasingly concerned about the impact of antimicrobial resistance AMR, which makes routine antibiotics or antivirals drugs ineffective against diseases that have formerly been brought under control.

Læs mere her: British superbug outbreak ‘could kill 80,000’ – Telegraph.