ForsideMenneskers sundhedVegetarismeProfessionel amerikansk atlet blev veganer.

Professionel amerikansk atlet blev veganer.


Vi har lånt dette billede fra sportsmandens egen hjemmeside.


Efter at have ædt tonsvis af kød hele sit liv, skiftede fodboldspilleren David Carter bøffer og barbeque ud med en vegansk diæt. Han er stadig et muskelbjerg på 150 kilo.På sin hjemmeside skriver han bl.a:

The night before I went vegan just before falling asleep, my entire right arm went completely numb. I woke up the next the next morning out of options. I had been released from the Cowboys and was preparing myself for OTA’s with the Oakland Raiders who signed me right at the close of 2013. My training thus far had been productive, but I knew I had a fifth gear. With nothing else to lose I told my wife I was going vegan, and on February 14th 2014 I gave my wife the best Valentine’s Day gift ever (her words, not mine).

The solemn promise that I would never again consume another animal product. Immediately we dove into further research. With a few documentaries under my belt (Forks Over Knives, Frankensteer, Food Inc., and several others) I was confident I had made the right choice. The more I learned, the more my body benefited and my results came quickly. More energy, shorter recovery time, increased stamina, improved strength, and the peace of mind that no one had to die in order for me to live. Every one of my nagging injuries is gone. Tendonitis, inflammation, scar tissue, nerve damage, and chronic muscle fatigue all corrected themselves within months of adopting veganism.

Kilde: ABOUT DAVID CARTER | The 300 Pound Vegan